Have you ever had a phone call to come late at night and you look at the phone and it is a family member calling. You get really nervous because, you are thinking that something is wrong with a family member or someone that is close to you. Well, I got a phone call last night and I looked down and saw that it was my Grandmother(my awesome Grandmother) calling me. I was so worried!!
My grandma tells me that she hates to call so late, but she just could not wait until the morning to call and tell me this news. She goes on to tell me that my Dad's mother saw her waiting inside her car at the grocery store and came over and started talking. She said that she just spilled her guts. Telling my Grandmother how she wanted to be a Grandmother to me and how my Granddad(Tiger) kept her from being involved with me. Gran says that she went on and on saying how she keeps me in her prayers every night. Gran was telling me how strange it was that she was telling her all of these things. But, also knowing my Gran. I know that she really
layed it on talking to Nadine(Fake grandma) Gran told her about how we are moving back to Florida, wasn't so thrilled that she told her that.
The funny thing with all of this is, whenever I see this lady, her mom(fake great grandmother) or her daughter(fake aunt) they never speak or say anything to me. But, whenever they see my Aunt, Grandmother or Great Grandmother they always ask them about how I am doing? What the heck is up with that? The last time I saw my dad we were in
Wal-Mart in 2001 my mom spoke to him and all he said to me was "Hey Baby girl" and kept moving with his trailer park looking wife. It didn't hurt or anything, because he has never been involved in my life so it just blew over.
Now getting back to fake grandma or as I shall now call her
GG. No...that does not stand for Good Grandma that stands for
GAY Grandma! As she was telling my Gran about how Tiger is at fault for her not being a grandmother to me, well that is just an excuse. Yes, Tiger did get mad because they did not help with half of the medical bills. He and my Gran paid it and went on with life. Now, my Gran and Tiger got a divorce when I was like 8 years old. I am sure that
GG heard about this because
Bartow is not a big town and everyone knows everyone. My Gran stayed in the old family home and Tiger moved to Lake Wales.
GG lives about 10 blocks away from my Grans house. If she wanted to be involved she could have stepped up then. I came to stay with my Gran every summer and I am sure she knew that too. She can't say that Tiger kept her away after he moved.
There was this one particular summer, we went on vacation to New Orleans and then to
Detroit, I had such an awesome time. We made it back to
Bartow and on this particular day my Gran tells me to get dressed and we went for a drive. We pull up at the house of
GG! I was like what are we doing here, Gran says. " Now honey, she wants to spend some time with you" I was like you aren't going in? She said No. I end up spending like 4 hours maybe more with
GG and her Mom. While I was there she went on telling this same lie about how Tiger is the reason for her not being involved. Now, I guess she thought that I was a dumb bunny. Because, I was sitting there and she must have made some kind of contact to get my Gran to bring me over there. Boom Roasted! Tiger was not keeping me from that very uncomfortable meeting.
I called Tiger the day after I spoke with my Gran, about this conversation that Gran had with
GG. He said that Nadine(
GG) is full of BS! He also said that he was going to call my Gran and tell her that she doesn't need to have
GG visit her house, because she is one of those Lesbians.
LOL it was so funny.
Since, I am going back to Florida. I am sure that there will be a part II to this saga.