Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This will be a year of changes. I want to be more fit, in all areas of my life. I am going to start making my goals by the month of things that I want to complete. I feel that this will be a good way for me to stay on a good roll.

It is going to be exciting to see what 2009 will bring. I hope that this will be the year for us being parents and for all of our families to be healthy.

Well I better jet.



I have not been feeling so well for the past 2 weeks. I know that I am not coming down with a cold, but I have been feeling extremely hot and like I have a fever. I have been feeling sore and just plain ole tired. I need to be feeling better.

I am trying to give it atleast 2 weeks before I go to the Dr, because I am thinking that it is just my cycle about to start, but it should have come on a couple of days ago. So.....I guess I will give it some time.

Friday, December 26, 2008

We was almost robbed!!!

This is a couple of days late,but I knew that I had to blog about this. I love McDonald's here in Okinawa. We always get the best of service. Well on Monday we went and we placed our order and they always make you pull forward to an outside spot, so they can give you fresh french fries. Well as we are waiting this Okinawan guy walks by the front of the car and waves. I wave back, then he walks over to the drivers side window and Brian lets his window down and the guy looks in and says "Potato" and looks around in the car, seeing that we do not have a bag of food yet. He walks on into the McDonald's building.

Time goes by and the lady brings our food out and Brian lets the window down and she hands us the food, the window goes back up. But as we are pulling off the guy walks out and knocks on the window again and this time he says "Potato" and then reaches all the way over Brian and grabs our sack of food. The lady that works there runs out and starts speaking to this guy in Japanese and then the guy says Gomenasai, Gomenasai, sorry. And we drove off thinking, WOW this just happened to us. Such an awesome Okinawan memory.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bring yer Goat

December 1st, 2008
Bring yer goat, Earl, we’re gettin’ up a game!
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Posted by: Robert Basler
Tags: Oddly Enough, goats, humor, puns, silly, sports

Blog Guy, you used to write about silly sports around the world, but not lately.

Fair enough. Here are some photos of a rough-and-tumble Buzkashi match in Tajikistan yesterday.


Yes. Goat-grabbing. Players try to make goals with a goat carcass. It’s where we get the phrase “getting your goat.”

I’m not sure I believe that. Do they actually pick up the goat from the bare ground?

No, it sits on a special tee, called a….


A goatee.

Groan. And this is a really popular sport in Tajikistan?

Well, not among the goats, that’s for sure.

Why waste time thinking? Join the Oddly Enough blog network

Horsemen compete in Buzkashi, or goat grabbing, in Tajikistan, November 30, 2008. Players pick up a goat carcass from the ground at full gallop and try to place it into their opponent’s goal. REUTERS/ Nozim Kalandarov

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December 2nd, 2008
12:59 am GMT

I first heard of this when it was shown on Rambo III.
He played a game of it so the afghan rebels would trust him. Rambo was there to save the Afghan Rebels from the evil soviet empire, now of course we are allied with the warm and fuzzy Russians against the evil Afghan empire (which we trained) :( hmmm how ironic… maybe we should just send Rambo back to sort it all out for us :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Every 2.5's that time again!

Yes, it is that time again...A time called getting ready for PCSville. Yesterday, I got a phone call from Brian and he didn't sound too happy about what was out there for us. Yeah......not so good.

First up Ft. Detrick, Maryland - I don't want to go there. Even though there is an IKEA that is in Baltimore...I don't want this place.

Up next to that is Newport, Rhode Island - Now, even though I could live my life through Family Guy by going to Rhode Island. I don't want to go here either. No No

and right after those there is Williamsburg, Virginia. I have been jinxed.....Thanks to my lovely friend Michelle.

And then there are the other places that are on the list from the Devil himself.

There are 7 places on this list that are based in Japan...I am wanting to GET AWAY from Japan!!! And to top off the whole Japan thing. 4 of those 7 are here on OKINAWA!!! What the effing F!

So.....the last thing that is left on the list is Pearl Harbor, Hawaii!! That means on Monday Brian will be going into the office and letting the person know that he would like one of the two spots that are available there in Hawaii. So, we should know something real soon!!

I can handle island life in Hawaii, because atleast we will be able to have our own vehicle over there.

Kind of excited!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friends.... yeah it has been a while since my last blog.


Since being here in Okinawa it started out that I was miserable, because I did not have any friends.  I found the groups on myspace and my friends in Okinawa grew.  We would do things from lunches to Dinner's with the families.   Well, things started to happen and friendships were over, people stopped talking to me, because I was friends with other people that they knew and things between them and that person were not good.  

Everything was fine, because I knew that I still had other friends and it would be cool. 

Now since election time has come and gone....My mom even told me that you would find out who your true friends are.  

I just feel like things have changed. I guess I should be happy, because we only have 6 more month on this hell hole island.

I just want to get back to the states to know that I don't really need to have military wives as my friends.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy, Happy Joy Joy!!

On Friday, I was doing my Happy Happy Joy Joy dance, because after 4 long months my Husband is back at home with me. I can sleep better, knowing that he is right by my side. I love him and I am so happy that he went on this deployment, because it has been a great career enhancer. I am so proud of him. He picked up a NAM and he also was able to get his SW pin for the ship.

I am just happy he is back home!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Excited!!! For Friday

I am so excited for tomorrow to hurry up and get here. So, that I can see the love of my life!!! It has been 4 long months and I just can not wait. I know that the people here in the Office are thinking, "Why is this chick in such a good mood"? Well if there were to ask, all I can say is MY BABY is COMING HOME!!!!

He is off of the ship and is in his hotel room. I was able to speak with him for a while, but I had to leave and go to work. Dang WORK!

I will be at that airport 2 hours before his flight gets in, that is how bad I want to see him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It is almost that time!

I am so excited, because My husband is almost home!!! It has been 4 long months and I just can not wait to see that handsome guy. I have to say that this deployment has been so productive for him. He was able to pick up his Surface Warfare pin and he also was able to pick up a NAM. Tomorrow is the advancement exam, so I am hoping and praying that this time he will pick up.

Anyways.........The homecoming!!! I am so excited and I can wait until we are able to start working on the start of our family.

More to come soon.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


So, I just checked my email once I got to work and I had a wonderful email from my wonderful husband. It is the email that I have been waiting for since the day he left Okinawa for this journey to the Pacific. There was no, "Hi honey or Hi Baby" The email just stated. "I'M COMING HOME" didn't give a date or anything it just said I'm coming home. As I read on he attached his itenerary to the email. I am so happy to know that he is coming home and I do not have long to wait. I can hold out for 15 to 20 more days! It is just good to know that I have a date for when he is coming home.

He's coming home!!!

I'm Outee!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Really....does it have to hurt????!!!!!!

So, I have start my cycle on yesterday and it is driving me crazy!!! I feel so bad and the flow is so dang HEAVY, I have never!!!! Had this problem, so I am not sure if it is the meds, I am glad to have my cycle, but why does it have to hurt so bad. Well I only have a couple of days until Brian is home and we can start on our family!! Totally exciting, but also weird.

Well I am


Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Mac!

So....I have been working for a little over 3 months, and my main reason for wanting to work was so that I could purchase a MacBook.  I had, had my fill of Vista with windows and I told Brian that I really wanted to get a Macbook.  

So......for the past like 2 weeks, I have been going back and forth with myself on if I wanted to make this big of a purchase.  Then, I went over to Kadena to purchase my Macbook.  I tell the guy which one I wanted and he comes back and tells me that they do not have it in.  I ask him to call Foster and this other guy tells me that I can call them.  So, Denise and I trek over to the other side of the store to use their phone.  I call Foster and they did not answer their phone.  I call Courtney and they do not answer. By the end of Courtney not answering. I was pissed.  I say. I know where I can go, and I drive up to Hansen.  Get to Hansen tell the guy which one I want and he says that they do not have any it and to check Kadena or Foster.    I let a week go by and I was just mad.  So,  on  Wednesday Denise and I are on Foster and I decide, Yes!  I will get my MacBook today.  I have it and I am totally in love with it!!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Something new

Ok........So, yesterday after searching for a couple of weeks on this island. I finally got my MacBook!! I totally love it!!! Not as much as I love Brian, but I do love it! I am learning so many great things about this wonderful mac and Macland!!!!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

2 weeks

I have been on my new meds for a total of 2 full weeks now and I have to say that they are working. I do not like that some things just make me want to throw up, but other than that. It is really working, I think that I have lost a couple of pounds along with it too. I just have to continue to drink my water every day. Plus, I need to put myself on a schedule to make sure that I am taking the meds at the same time everyday. Only 39 days until Brian is home!!! Wish us luck!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

It really starts tomorrow

On Friday, I finally started taking the prescription that the Dr. gave me to regulate my period. He told me that I have insulin resistance. So, he prescribed Metformin for me. I have only heard great things about Metformin. Hopefully it will regulate my period and help me to ovulate.

I am truly glad that I went to the Dr. when I did. I am really wishing that I would have gone while Brian was still at home. Then I would have had 4 full months to get my body ready for this.

Some good news is that we are at the halfway point for this deployment! YAY!!! Tomorrow in San Diego they will be having a halfway party, and I so wish that I was going to be there. I am just glad that it is almost over.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Road to weight loss

I am totally excited. On Tuesday, I went to the Dr and it turned out to be a better appointment than I thought. Though, I am still waiting on the results of the pap. But, I am going to the dietician and he put me on a med for insulin resistance. I am so excited, because I know that I can do this.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tuesday July 8th @ 10:00am

On Tuesday, I am going to find out what has been going on with my body. I really think that it is PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) I am really hoping that this is all that it is and that we will be able to correct this, so that Brian and I can start working on starting our family. I am a little nervous, scared, but all the same I am also excited to go ahead and have this done and over.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hair Hair and Natural Hair

I have been going back and forth with this and I finally decided a couple of months ago not to Relax my hair anymore. No more chemicals. I first started out with just doing braids, when I went home for my Aunt Myrt's funeral in Feb, I went and had my hair straightend and continued to do that while I was in the states. My last week there I went and had my hair braided because bening here in Okinawa my hair would just POOF out. I found a wonderful hair stylist here in Oki that does a fantastic job with braids, so I have gone to her. So, I have been with just my natural hair for 6 months now. I have to take more time with my hair now, but I don't have to worry about the chemicals. YAY!!!!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Come on now

So, I have been dealing with Brian being gone really well, but I am so sick of hearing people tell me that I am going to be ok. I think that it is hard being in a different country with NO Family here. I also think that it would be different if we were in the states. Everyone that is saying this here on Island, have children. I, sometimes think that they do not think before they speak about things like that. They can survive their husbands being deployed and have their children to take care of while their husbands are gone. I think that I just had to vent.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

2 Years on Okinawa!

We have offically been on Okinawa for 2 years. The time has flown by so fast! I have grown to really like it here, but I am also excited to find out where we will be going to next.

Like, I said before. Okinawa has been great we have made some great friends and lost some friends also. I really think that making the move overseas really taught us who our real friends are.

We have had many, many great dinners here in Okinawa for CHEAP!!

We were suppose to know where we are going in Sept, but Brian is not here to speak with the Career personel so we shall wait until Oct. Only a month, but that month is like forever in the Military. Any who.....there will be a lot more to come. Bring on the stress!!!!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's the right time

On yesterday after I was talking to Brian on the phone, I sat there and was thinking gosh. I think that it is time for us to start our own family. To some, they will say that it is LONG overdue. I really enjoy being able to pick up and go whenever we have the chance to. I really don't think that we would be able to do that unless we were around family. Another reason I think that it is time, is Brian and I are not getting any younger. Some people that are Brian's age have children that are 15 and maybe older. No, I am not saying that I want for us to start having children, so that we are no longer the Plague within the Military community, I just think that It's the Right time.

I think that one of the reasons why we haven't got pregnant before is because. I think that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and I will find out more on that situation on July 8th. I will get all of the things that I need done now, so that when Brian returns. We can start on the new Walker.

This is kind of scary, but again It's the right time.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sick and Happy

How in the world can a person be Sick and Happy all in the same day. Well I can tell you that. I have had the worst cold since Thursday of last week. I went with a friend and her children to Curry place here in Okinawa called CoCo's and I have felt sick since then. On Friday and Saturday, I missed calls from Brian and that just made me feel even worse. I went to work on Sunday feeling ever so sick and had the worst time handling things at work. Monday, I slept the day away and I still felt bad this morning when I woke up, but on to the Happy. I woke up this morning to a wonderful phone call from my Wonderful Husband, and to think that I started not to answer the phone. Talk about one sick person if I would have missed that call. Now, I am at work and still feeling crappy and dealing with Stupid drunk people. I am thinking, do I really need this job??

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why Me?? most of you all know that I am now working at the Bowling Alley on Camp Schwab here in Okinawa. I am the Night Manager and all that falls in with a bowling alley. I have now been here for about a month and it has been ok. I first started out working 6 days a week, but I have cut it down to 4 sometimes 5 nights a week. I have to say that it keeps me pretty busy with Brian being gone, I don't feel as lonely in the evenings.

Since working here, I have been a listening ear for a couple of people. One young Marine reminds me so much of my cousin Devin. He always comes in to bowl, but always winds up talking to me instead of bowling. I have got to the point to where I wait and charge him for his bowling. He is part of the regular crowd that shuffles in every night. They are a good group of Postal workers.

My main purpose for getting this job is because I want a Mac Book pro, well I now have enough for my Mac Book, but I don't want to quit just now, because B is still gone. I am going to give it until he comes back from his Mission.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blast from the Past! here in Okinawa we don't get that much of a choice with the music station. So, I was online browsing ITunes and I see that She-Bop herself has a new album out. WOW!! Now, I am going back and forth with myself on if I should download one of the songs off this new album Bring Ya to the Brink. I listen to Lyfe and I am so liking this song. I am not sure how the other songs are on this album, but I am really enjoying Lyfe. Kudos to you Cyndi Lauper. What a comeback!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Born in the USA

I was just sitting here thinking about how when I was little, I would go on long drives with Tiger and Barbara Link (My wonderful Grandparents) and I remember being in the backseat and all of a sudden I would break out into song with Born in the USA. I swear that was the only song that I would sing. To this day they are always talking about how Drea loved that song, I still love that song and now that I am older I totally get the song. Back then, I would just sing it, because it was a great song, but now I sing it, because I am so proud to be an American and I am proud to know that my husband is a protector of our great USA.
Born down in a dead man's townThe first kick I took was when I hit the groundYou end up like a dog that's been beat too muchTill you spend half your life just covering upBorn in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.Got in a little hometown jamSo they put a rifle in my handSent me off to a foreign landTo go and kill the yellow manBorn in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.Come back home to the refineryHiring man says "Son if it was up to me"Went down to see my V.A. manHe said "Son, don't you understand"I had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet CongThey're still there, he's all goneHe had a woman he loved in SaigonI got a picture of him in her arms nowDown in the shadow of the penitentiaryOut by the gas fires of the refineryI'm ten years burning down the roadNowhere to run ain't got nowhere to goBorn in the U.S.A.I was born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.Born in the U.S.A.I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sick, Sick, Sick!

I have been so sick today! I have had the worst headache and it has just had me on my butt all day and today is suppose to be my day off from work. WOW.....what a wonderful way to spend the day off. I didn't go to bed until 9:00am, who knows that may be the reason for why I have been sick. I just have to LOVE MIGRAINES!!
My adventure for today has just been dreams :-)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Start

Ok......So as of today, Brian and I have been in Okinawa for 2 years. So, 2 years down and 1 more year to go. I really wish that I would have started using this blog, instead of using my Myspace to write everything out.

We have done a lot of travels within these 2 years, but not as much as we really wanted to do. I have to say that right now, Brian is getting more travels in than me. He is on his own adventure and will be gone until sometime in Oct.

So, with this being the start of my new blog, I will update you on all of the Adventures that life will bring and the Adventures that the Military will have us on.
