Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Mac!

So....I have been working for a little over 3 months, and my main reason for wanting to work was so that I could purchase a MacBook.  I had, had my fill of Vista with windows and I told Brian that I really wanted to get a Macbook.  

So......for the past like 2 weeks, I have been going back and forth with myself on if I wanted to make this big of a purchase.  Then, I went over to Kadena to purchase my Macbook.  I tell the guy which one I wanted and he comes back and tells me that they do not have it in.  I ask him to call Foster and this other guy tells me that I can call them.  So, Denise and I trek over to the other side of the store to use their phone.  I call Foster and they did not answer their phone.  I call Courtney and they do not answer. By the end of Courtney not answering. I was pissed.  I say. I know where I can go, and I drive up to Hansen.  Get to Hansen tell the guy which one I want and he says that they do not have any it and to check Kadena or Foster.    I let a week go by and I was just mad.  So,  on  Wednesday Denise and I are on Foster and I decide, Yes!  I will get my MacBook today.  I have it and I am totally in love with it!!


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