Friday, November 13, 2009

It's the final countdown!!

The final countdown is about to begin, with the Walker's going into the next phase of being Grown - Ups. lol!!! We have been waiting to hear the news of us having the house for sure. Well we have the green light. We will have more information tomorrow and on Monday or Tuesday. They want for Brian to come in and fill out paperwork on Monday morning, but that is a No GO, because PRT comes before house paperwork.

I am so excited and can't wait!!! I searched online for the floor plans and I was able to find them.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Walker's may be on the move again!!

We have been searching and placing offers on so many houses. It is now to the point where, I know we put an offer on something, and I know that it is going to be turned down, because there are people that are out bidding us on these things. Last Thursday, we went to see 2 Houses.

The first house was nice, it was 4 bedrooms 3 baths on a corner lot with a really nice backyard. It was nice, but I feel the outside of the house looked a lot better than the inside. The house was about 2200 sqft and they were asking $160,000.00 for it.

The second house is located on the Northside of Jacksonville, but it is in a new subdivision that is really nice. This house didn't have anyone living in it, like the previous house. This house is also 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, and it is about 2900 sqft. It has a really nice kitchen that has double ovens. That is what I wanted for our home to have.

We knew when we saw the huge bedroom downstairs with a really nice bath, that this was the house that we really wanted. We put an offer in on the house that night.

Well all of the paperwork was done on Friday and sent off to the company. I totally forgot about us placing the offer on the house. Brian calls home this afternoon to tell me that it looks like we are going to get the house.


We hope that it will continue going in the direction of good.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tired of the hunt!!

We have been house hunting for the past 3 months and I have to say. I am so sick and tired of the hunt for a home. We have put offers on many houses and each time, someone else has put an offer on the same house. The last 2 houses that we placed offers on the 1st one we offered the amount that they were asking and the 2nd one we over bid by 5 thousand, just to be on the safe side and it didn't work.

So, we are back to the start. We have been searching and searching. We found a great house today and loved the inside. We placed an offer on it and we just hope that this one goes through.

Everyone keeps telling us that we need to hurry and find a house and close before this whole tax thing ends. That is not what we are trying to do. We are just wanting to be in a home before Rian get here and before the possible deployment.