For a while, I had been going back and forth with should Brian and I do a photography shoot with a photographer here in Okinawa. I kept putting it off, and I don't know why. So, we finally did it. There are so many people here in Okinawa that do photography. The person that I wanted to use was the HM1 that worked with Brian. I knew that he did awesome work, because the command would have him doing all of the pictures for command events. Well.....he PCS'ed in December so using him was out of the question. I turned to Japan Update to see if I could find a photographer, all of the photographers that I saw on there did awesome work, but they were a little pricey. Then I turned to the new site here in Okinawa, which was Okinawa Yard Sales and I found a photographer named Deena with Makana Photography and I have to say that I was impressed with the work that was shown on her site and I am extremely pleased with the pictures that she did for us. I love, Love, LOVE the pictures. She did an awesome job.

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