Ok......So here in Okinawa they have all kinds of wonderful treats that are just so awesome! I have grown really fond of a treat that I call "Sweet Fishcakes" I don't know what the Japanese name for them are. But these things are freaking fantastic! Now, I am about to take this back a year.
Last year Brian and I were shopping around in San-A ( A small mall) and while just looking around we came across this little kiosk where there was a guy making the cake and like 3 ladies selling them by the bag full. So, we step up and the lady offers a free sample. Brian starts raving how awesome the custard one is, so I say we want a bag of 18. She loads them in, we pay and leave. Get in the car and what the HECK we have that sweet Bean flavor and I have to say it is so not GOOD. I chalk it up to the language barrier and just decide that we will go back on the next weekend to get more. We go back on the next weekend and they are THERE! Sweet!! We step up and the lady is speaking to us in Engrish....yep I said Engrish. I am thinking to myself, "where was this on last week when you sold me those not so good fishcakes" I order 18 custard filled and 18 Chocolate. Whenever I wanted fishcakes I would go to San-A I left for the states and came back and could not find them. I went without fishcakes up until Sept. They were back in Sept when I went to San-A of course Brian and I picked up 2 bags full. We go on Vacation to Phoenix and come back and BOOM they are gone and I have not been able to find them since then. I have been searching all of the San-A's, all of the Jusco's and other various Okinawan stores and No luck. I am going to try my luck on tomorrow to see if I can find my wonderful Sweet Fishcakes!!!
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