Tomorrow we officially close on our new home!!! It has been such a tiring search. We found a lot of houses that we just fell in love with and just wanted "THAT" house. So many that we were outbid on and some that were just not our type.
For the same amount of money of these short sales and Foreclosures, we have found an awesome home. That is brand NEW!!!
We get our keys tomorrow and we are going to start moving things in tomorrow!!
Can't wait....I hope that I will be able to sleep.
We gave the apartment complex our notice that we are not renewing our lease and that we will be leaving soon!! They gave us 3 options.... 1. To pay 2 months of rent 2. To pay rent on the apartment until it is rented and 3 is to just pay the prorated amount from June 1st until June 21st. Which will run us about 500.00. So, needless to say we are going to go with the prorated amount. We are just so ready to get out of this apartment and be in our own home!! Can't wait for Tuesday to get here.
Today was our walk through of the house....One more step and we are going to be HOME OWNERS!!! We are so excited and can not wait for TUESDAY aka CLOSING TIME!!! to get here. Well....There were only a few minor things that we are wanting to be repaired and Brian says that they are mainly in the bedroom closets.
We have decided that we are going to take our sweet time moving from the apartment into the house, not because there is anything is wrong with the house, but because we are going to have to pay May's rent. So.....why not take our time?