Ok...So if I have not told you already. We are going to be stationed in Jacksonville, FL!!! Brian is going to the Navy Entomology Center of Excellence(NECE) we are so excited about going back to Florida.
Last night Brian made a phone call to the housing office there at NAS Jax and he was told that they have a list of Apartments that have the Military Partnership Program and the guy emailed the list right to us. Prior to call the housing office we have been looking at apartments. We had a list of 5 that we were interested in. One of the apartments that we had on our list was the one that we were living in before we moved to San Diego. After seeing the list last night it is one of the places on the list, but we decided that we are going to Mariners Wharf. We found a 3 bedroom 2 bath 1606 sqft apartment and it seems perfect.
We are totally excited about getting back to jax!